Three Tiers of Support
Our program is based on residents’ progress through three tiers of graduated support.
Our program meets with new residents and their families and places them in a support tier that matches their experience with independent living. Our program is flexible and considers the needs and wishes of each resident and family.
Tier 1. Transitional Living in a home environment
This is structured on-campus group living with 24-hour supervision. New residents usually start in this tier. The residents in the homes do scheduled household chores (and staff will teach how to do each chore, if needed), participate in meal prep, eat together, and share the recreation room and living room to watch TV, use their computers, write and do art projects. The basketball court is outside, along with patio settings, and residents help with gardening chores.
Tier 2. Transitional Living in a near-campus apartment
When the resident is ready and staff agrees, we’ll work together to move them to campus-adjacent apartment living with focused support on specific types of independent living. In this tier, we focus on household skills, like sharing space and decisions with a roommate, managing a kitchen, alerting staff to household questions and learning how to run their own space.
This stage is where staff and residents decide together on their readiness to move off campus to a home that the resident or their family will pay for, within five blocks of the campus.
Tier 3. Off-Campus Community Living
Residents in homes or apartments in the Napa community near the program’s campus, with or without roommates, will learn to pay rent and utilities with the support of their case manager. Community residents often require and are provided with “Independent Living Services” (ILS) from the program team. Community living is continuously supported by the program, allowing residents to learn skills needed for independence at their own pace.
New residents who have lived independently in other settings or programs may move directly to this tier if all agree that they are ready.