Marketing tools for families

Families may want to support the Moving Forward program or its fundraising activies by using their own social media accounts. This page is dedicated to providing tools to make those contributions easier. If there is a tool you’d like to learn more about, contact Abby Shaw at Abishaw@gmail to discuss.

Silent video showing steps in creating the Instagram post for supporting Moving Forward fundraising

Creating an Instagram post that links to an online fundraiser or article on the Moving Forward website

This is what we'll be learning to create —>

This is a created Instagram post which includes a text box on top of an image, explaining why the reader might want to participate in this fundraiser, along with a link sticker that, when clicked on, will take the reader to (in this case) the See’s Candy online store for the fundraiser.

The silent video below shows the steps involved, so you can jump to the video if you’re familiar with Instagram.

I provide more resources for newbies below the video.


  1. Go to your Instagram account

  2. Select a background image (see below for suggested image)

  3. Add text box, explaining why they’d like to help

  4. Add a link sticker with the link to the fundraising page

  5. Post to Instagram


  1. In the text box, add the @mention for @seescandies to improve your reach

  2. Use #MovingForward and #Seestheday and #Seesworthy for same

  3. Add summary copy to the link sticker (Chocolates for a good cause)

Additional Resources

Once you have your image open in Instagram, you’ll need to add a text box. You do that by choosing the “Aa” option at the top of the screen.

Add your text about why your readers might want to participate in this fundraiser — they know your family resident, or helping neurodiverse adults live better, more independent lives is a great cause to support or speak about the program’s great impact on your son, daughter, sister, brother.

The options at the top of the screen while you’re writing your text allow you to format your text just as you want. But the text WILL cover the image to some extent.

Using the @mention (on the bottom of the screen) for @seescandies might encourage Sees to spread your message to their followers, so DO IT.

Use hashtags like #Moving-Forward and #Seesworthy and #Seestheday for the same reason.

If you haven’t created this type of post before, here are some helpful resources.

First: You’ll need to start with an image. Creative images work better for promotion.

For instance, if you've received Candy from See's already, you might use a picture of yourself holding the box, for instance. Or you can take a picture of yourself or a loved one, peeking over the top of a laptop that's open to the See's Candy storefront.

Or you can use a family picture.

Or you can download the image below.

Once you’ve finished adding your text, you’ll need to add a link so your readers can take action on your request.

To do this, select a link sticker. First click the “sticker” option at the top of your screen It’s circled in red in the snip below:

When that opens, you’ll see these options:

The red circled option is the link sticker. Click on it.

This is where you’ll paste in the link to the See’s Candy online store:

Once you’ve added the link, click on the “Customize sticker text” option, and add something like “Chocolate for a good cause!”

Click “Done” and Post.